Dissertations - Thesis

Detection and Prevention of Crypto Ransomware in Windows System




Cyber Security




Shivani Raval


Prof. Hetvy Jadeja



April, 2023


Crypto ransomware has had a significant worldwide impact recently. Ransomware is a type of harmful software that encrypts a victim's data and demands payment in return for the decryption key. These attacks are more common today and can have severe effects on both individuals and businesses. Crypto malware can have terrible repercussions. Ransomware attacks frequently involve highly skilled and knowledgeable attackers, making it difficult to retrieve the encrypted data without paying the ransom or using other pricy methods. In addition to the instant financial repercussions of paying the ransom, victims may suffer data loss, downtime, and reputational damage. Since ransomware attackers frequently have sophisticated skills, it might be difficult to decrypt the data without paying the ransom or using other expensive methods. Ransomware can enter a victim's machine or network using a variety of methods, including phishing emails, malicious downloads, and exploiting software vulnerabilities. Once installed on a victim's computer, ransomware will frequently encrypt data and show a message demanding payment in exchange for the decryption key. In some cases, the ransomware will threaten to delete the encrypted data or raise the ransom amount if the victim does not pay within a certain time frame. Crypto ransomware has an effect on many facets of society as a whole. Ransomware could have catastrophic consequences for individuals, companies, and even governmental entities. The following are some effects that crypto-ransomware is having on civilization as a whole: financial loss, data loss, service interruption, reputational harm, and increased cyber security risks, In the end, crypto-ransomware has a significant effect that may be longlasting for individuals, companies, and governmental institutions. It is imperative to take preventative steps against ransomware attacks, such as regular data backups, the implementation of robust cyber security measures, and training staff members on how to recognize and avoid phishing scams


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