To excel in today's fast moving world it takes a special kind of skill to rise above the rest. It requires left brain, right brain thinking that is able to concentrate, conceptualize and connect. The skill is about synthesizing information and arriving at innovation.
At MEFGI we open minds to “connect the dots” and see the big picture and make new sense of life. We create the campus environment where students are :
Exposed to exciting campus events that build social skills
Challenged by industry projects that open their eyes to the complexities of the real world
Stimulated with personal freedom to explore and experiment that build confidence and shape opinions
Engaged in incubation of new enterprises that merge different skills to create new ones
Involved in community work that add value and meaning to their lives.
I strongly encourage all the prospective students to visit our campus, meet with the HODs, TIPO team, Admissions team, and Student section officials, to find out more about the MEFGI culture and academic programs.
Sandeep Marwadi

At MU, we continue to stand by our belief in expanding human knowledge and to benefit the society through an environment that integrates joy, learning and researching with education. We at MU, strive to provide a culture and a platform that drives the students to pursue the most challenging and fundamental problems in plethora of fields. Moving forward, we are convinced that with the right team, led by a culture of innovation and excellence, we will continue to deliver long-term value, to advance knowledge and learning at the highest level.

At Marwadi University, ‘Discover You’ is not just a theme. It is the commitment and the belief that gives us the impulse to go a step further and help make each and every student discover their immense potential. We, at Marwadi University, do not limit ourselves in imparting academic education, but also inspire to develop a progressive outlook, to transform our understanding of the world and to pursue unpredicted ways of thinking to help our students become creative members of the society.