Position- 02
Applications are invited from Indian nationals for the position of Junior Research Fellow (JRF) for Department of Science and Technology funded project (under TSDP scheme) with following details.
Details of Project: SMART Foundry 2020 (SMART = Sustainable Metalcasting using Advanced Research & Technology)” sanctioned vide letter DST/TGS/AMT/2015/332 dated August 17, 2016. The overall goal is to develop a Smart Foundry that can be used to rapidly create small intricate metal parts required in tiny order quantities. The candidate is expected to develop and integrate hardware and software systems of the metal foundries.
Co-PI: Dr Amit V. Sata, Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, MEFGI-Faculty of Engineering, Rajkot-Morbi Road, Rajkot 360003 (Contact: 0281-2924155 Extn: 562; 96380 37388; amit.sata@marwadieducation.edu.in)