Object Oriented Programming with C#.NET and Web Application Development with ASP.NET

I am Interested
Cloud Computing
  • Course Duration180 Hours
  • Course Fees`3000(per level)

Course Features

  • Understanding the architectural features of MS .NET Framework
  • Learning Object Oriented Features with Core Application Development using C#.NET language
  • Developing visual applications for small to large level of enterprises
  • Using different controls to make rich web UI
  • Using different ADO.NET controls in Web Applications
  • Creating Secure Web Applications
  • Developing Web Services


  • Basic of computer programming

Course Content

  • Overview of the Microsoft .NET Platform
  • Overview of C#
  • Using Value-Type Variables
  • Statements and Exceptions
  • Methods and Parameters
  • Arrays
  • Essentials of Object- Oriented Programming
  • Using Reference-Type
  • Variables
  • Creating and Destroying Objects
  • Inheritance in C#
  • Aggregation, Namespaces, and Advanced Scope
  • Operators and Events
  • Properties and Indexers
  • Attributes
  • Introducing Windows Forms
  • Working with Controls
  • Using Data in Windows Forms Applications
  • Printing and Reporting in Windows Forms Applications
  • Deploying Windows Forms Applications

Web Application Development with ASP.NET

  • Building ASP.NET Pages
  • Building Forms with Web Server Controls
  • Performing Form Validation with Validation Controls
  • Advanced Control Programming
  • Creating Custom Controls with User Controls
  • Separating Code from Presentation
  • Introduction to ADO.NET
  • Binding Data to Web Controls
  • Using the DataList and DataGrid Controls
  • Working with DataSets
  • Working with XML
  • Using ADO.NET to Create Search Page
  • Creating ASP.NET Applications
  • Tracking User Sessions
  • Caching ASP.NET Applications
  • Application Tracing and Error Handling
  • Using Forms-Based Authentication
  • Using Windows-Based Authentication
  • Encrypting Data over the Network
  • Creating an XML Web Service

Career Opportunity/Skillset/Outcome

  • Web/applicationdesigner
  • Web/application development
  • Project coordinator
  • Business developer,
  • Quality analyst
  • Enterprise Application developer using C#.NET, Web Application developer using ASP.NET