Approval Letter

APS Member List

The field of interest of the AP-S encompasses: antennas, including analysis, design, development, measurement, and testing; radiation, propagation, and the interaction of electromagnetic waves with discrete and continuous media; and applications and systems pertinent to antennas, propagation, and sensing, such as applied optics, millimeter- and sub-millimeter-wave techniques, antenna signal processing and control, radio astronomy, and propagation and radiation aspects of terrestrial and space-based communication, including wireless, mobile, satellite, and telecommunications.

Chair :
      Prof.Vivek Ram
      Assitant Professor,ECE,MEFGI.
Advisor :

Extra Info.

One Day Expert Talk on Security issues and challenges in a wireless communication

Expert Talk

Guest lecture

Talk by Dr. Alok Verma

One Day Expert Talk & Hands on Session on HAM RADIO Practical Insight & Exhibition on 30th July, 2016

© 2016 IEEE MEFGI Student Branch, All rights reserved.

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