Counsellor's Word

Vivek Ram

IEEE has become a real communicator and facilitator amongst all the scientific and technical communities which are striving for the betterment of this world. As an engineering institute, MEFGI would also like to play an important role of counterpart in this process. MEFGI has always been a keen activity organizer in the areas related to technology and professional growth of an individual. Now, the plethora of resources provided by IEEE will really help us to keep the pace with more sharp edge towards excellence and wider reach.  . IEEE as a society is more popular for the volunteerism opportunities it provides to every individual member starting from the student member grade to fellow grade.

As the Branch Counselor of the IEEE Student Branch at MEFGI I have witnessed the student’s interest and enthusiasm to explore the engineering world and to fulfill their demands, IEEE is the best platform to guide and satisfy them. The student members of our branch have very good interaction with other branch students and participating in various activities in our Region. This is the real feeling which attaches each member together and creates a bond which works across branches, sections and regions. With the same "real feeling", I invite you to extend your support and join us in the activities related to IEEE at our student branch. To make IEEE student branch at MEFGI a success, we need a kind and collaborative support from you. This support is incorporated by your active and meaningful participation in the branch activities. . I thank the current Exe-com members for their innumerable efforts in building IEEE SB MEFGI. To become a member of IEEE gives a lot of values to a student, I hope in the coming years many more students will join IEEE and avail the benefits which will help them to shape up their career. I hope in the coming time we will be able to generate enough funds to make it a regular feature with lot many people joining to make it very useful.

© 2016 IEEE MEFGI Student Branch, All rights reserved.

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