Approval letter
Branch Code: STB09121
Annual Report 2014

The IEEE Student Branch, MEFGI was established on September 1, 2011 under the aegis of IEEE Gujarat Section and Marwadi Education Foundation Group of Institution, Rajkot. It is an endeavour to opens the door of multiple opportunities that will help the students to develop their professional identity inĀ IEEE's designated fields of interest: sciences, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM).

IEEE Student Branch, MEFGI organize and conducts range of events and activities to promote STEM among the young minds. It also provides ample opportunity to its student members for professional networking which will help them in building an amazing and interesting career.

Meet our Team

Vivek Ram

Branch Counsellor

Ravi Bagree

Branch Mentor

Yash Karmchandani


As a member of IEEE, I find it is an invaluable source of information and conduit for discussion.

Viral Parmar


IEEE encourages professional learning through its international conferences, workshops, short courses and publications.

© 2016 IEEE MEFGI Student Branch, All rights reserved.

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