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Our designed curriculum aim to promote the academic achievement and the personal as well as the social growth of students. Students will be able to understand and apply mathematical skills in their daily lives and future educational prospects.


Our mission is to provide students, experience in mathematics that will empower them to succeed in an ever-changing society. This is accomplished through our commitment to excellence in teaching, a well-designed curriculum, and a supportive environment.To support our mission, we are committed to:

  • Contribute towards the development and growth of mathematical sciences through high quality research and research projects;
  • Apply mathematical principles and procedures to solve real-world problems.
  • Effectively communicate mathematical ideas among students fraternity.

About Department

Mathematics is a key subject that plays a crucial role in every engineering domain. Any branch involves a lot of calculative and decision making work that can only be done by having a strong foundation in mathematics. Learning and Practising maths makes minds faster and accurate in designing, decision making and implementation. Proper knowledge and practice in mathematics enhance the reasoning capabilities, creative and spatial thinking to a big extent. Having adequate exposure in mathematics helps engineers to devise meaningful designs and blueprints with high precision that would prove to be a perfect foundation for complex structures and numerous other applications including computing and research.

The department of mathematics of this Top Engineering College Rajkot comprises of a pool of highly educated professors having years of experience in solving complex mathematical problems. The department lays focus on practising a problem set with numerous examples from variety of domains that would teach the practical applications of concepts in a real scenario. Case studies are also discussed so that the learning can be correlated with historical events and new paths can be paved for their betterment. Professors and students work in a collaborative environment where problems are solved through different solutions and the pros and cons of each approach are discussed. Thus the unique learning methodology also improved reasoning and critical thinking abilities of students that would help them in a variety of ways during real work situations.