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5 Days STTP On “ Advanced Strategies For Sustainable Water & Waste-Water Management”

Events Details

  • DATE :   Saturday, January 9, 2016
  • TIME :   9:30 AM To 4:00 PM
  • DAY :   Saturday
  • VENUE :   MEFGI, Rajkot

Dept. of Environmental Science & Engineering, Marwadi Education Foundation is going to organize 5 Days National STTP on " Advanced Strategies for Sustainable Water & Waste-Water Management" from 9th to 13th January 2017.


Important features of this STTP: 

·     Quantity and quality of water available in different form and relevant management practice.

·     The current scenario and upcoming technologies for advanced wastewater treatment.

·     Difference between existing treatment practices and sustainable wastewater treatment. 

·     River and reservoir systems modeling. 

·     Tools of Environment Audit & Marine Environment Impact assessment of the industries.

·     Environmental Management System.

·     Hands-on practice in following different topics                

1)     Treatment of highly COD waste using advanced oxidation method

2)     Hydro-logical Modeling of Storm Water Quantification

3)     Analysis and design of Water Distribution Network

Contact Detail for Registration

Mr. Varun Agarwal 

Assistant Professor

Phone. No.-+918980513146

Email ID- varunkumar.agarwal@marwadieducation.edu.in


Dr. Amarpreet Singh Arora

HOD, Chemical Engineering department

Phone No.-+918469175136

Email ID-amarpreetsingh.arora@marwadieducation.edu.in   


Ms. Divya Dixit


Assistant Professor

Email ID-divya.dixit@marwadieducation.edu.in