Name of Industry: IPR – Gandhinagar (Bhat)
Date of Visit: 07th January 2017
No. of students visited the Industry: 50 + 2 Faculties
Details of industry: Institute for Plasma Research is an autonomous R & D organization under the authority of Department of Atomic Energy (DAE), Government of India situated near west banks of river Sabarmati in Gujarat, India. This institute is largely involved in theoretical and experimental studies in plasma science including basic plasma physics, magnetically confined hot plasmas and plasma technologies for industrial application.
The institute owns two operational tokamaks (a machine for controlling thermonuclear fusion) - ADITYA and Steady State Tokamak (SST) - 1. FCIPT, ITER-India and CPP-IPR, located in Gandhinagar and Guwahati are three divisions under IPR.