Industrial Visit of 4A2 Class at NSIC, Rajkot
Basic Information:
National Small Industries Corporation (NSIC), is an ISO 9001-2008 certified Government of India Enterprise under Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME). NSIC has been working to promote, aid and foster the growth of micro, small and medium enterprises in the country. NSIC operates through countrywide network of offices and Technical Centers in the Country. To manage operations in African countries, NSIC operates from its office in Johannesburg, South Africa. In addition, NSIC has set up Training cum Incubation Centre managed by professional manpower.
NSIC has established Software Technology cum Business Parks at New Delhi and Chennai for providing the space to small and medium enterprises in software development and to IT/ITES/MSME units not regd. with STPI or the units that are falling under the overall definition of MSME as per the guidelines of Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises. Units other than MSME such as Banks/PSUs/Financial Institutions, corporate sector etc.
Outcome of the visit:
From this visit, students are able to know how Diesel Engine Testing, Pump and Motor Testing, Material Testing, Plastic Testing and Calibration actually works and what is the order of operation required for to complete working modern CNC VMC machines.