Expert Talk for 4th Semester Mechanical Engineering Students
Expert Name: - Mr. Sadashiv Bhute
Company: - Mahindra Transmission India Pvt., Rajkot
Designation:- Deputy General Manager
Subject: Gear, Clutch and Brakes
Basic Information:-
Mr. Sadashiv Bhute is Deputy General Manager, Pal Auto, a tractor manufacturing unit of Mahindra Transmission India, Pvt. Ltd., Rajkot. He is having 24 year of industrial experience out of which 4 at Reliance and 20 year at Mahindra Transmission Pvt. Ltd... He did his B.E in Automobile Engineering following by PGDQM. He has diversified experience in quality, maintenance and production of off road vehicles
Outcome of the talk:
Students are always enthusiastic about automobile machines. Therefore, these expert talk exposed them to one of the automobile system that is tractor. Being a agriculture country, future technocrat should know how to manufacture and maintain the off road vehicle like tractor. Therefore, this talk exposed them to know transmission systems of tractors.