Marwadi University (MU) always focuses on overall development of students by implementing three tier teaching-learning philosophy. This philosophy primarily emphasizes on imparting skills to the students studying in various courses at University. In persistence of it, Marwadi Universityin collaboration with Jyoti CNC Automation Limited & Centre for Entrepreneurship DevelopmentCell (CED)-Gandhinagar establish Marwadi University Jyoti CNC Automation Limited (MUJCAL)Association for Foundry Technology to impart technical skills essential in foundries of Rajkot cluster.
MUJCAL is funded with more than 1.3 crore, and have dedicated space over 3200 square feet. MUJCAL is equipped with more than 40 equipment including 3D Scanner, 3D Printer, Die Engraver, Sieve Analyser, Mould Permeability Tester, Vacuum Assisted Melting Furnace, Metallurgical Microscope, Universal Testing Machine (UTM), Ultrasonic Non-destructive Testing Machine, X-ray fluorescence (XRF), Spectrometer, Casting Simulation Software (AutoCAST) etc. used in pattern and mould making, melting, pouring, testing as well as inspection of castings.
An inauguration ceremony of MUJCAL was organized on 8th December 2018 at campus of Marwadi University. Eminent personalities including Mr Parakramsinh Jadeja (MD, Jyoti CNC), Dr Ramnath Prasad (Director, CED Gandhinagar), Mr Ketanbhai Marwadi (President, Marwadi University), Mr Jitubhai Chandarana (Vice President, Marwadi University) as well as more than 110 industrial delegates were present during an inaugural function. This inaugural function was opened by welcome speech delivered by Dr Y P Kosta (Provost, Marwadi University). He introduces metal casting process, and told about contribution of Rajkot in the metal casting. Basic details related to MUJCAL was discussed about Dr Amit Sata (Professor, Mechanical Engineering Department). He also discussed about various short term bridge courses offered by MUJCAL to young engineers and industrial professionals. Keynote address on importance of technical skills and industrial-institute relationship was delivered by Mr Parakramsinh Jadej. Mr Ketanbhai Marwadi thanked CED Gandhinagar for providing support for establishment of MUJCAL, and also assured that community of young engineer will take maximum benefits of MUJCAL. Dr Ramnath Prasad (Chief guest) discussed importance about entrepreneurship and skills in building nation. He also briefed about various entrepreneurship schemes as well as skill enhancement opportunities offered by Government of Gujarat. The function concluded with vote of thanks delivered by Mr Naresh Jadeja (Registrar, Marwadi University). Dr R B Jadeja (Dean, Faculty of Engineering), Dr R L Jhala (Dean, Faculty of Technology), Dr S S Pandey (Dean, Faculty of PG Studies), Dr N V Rachchh (Head, Mechanical Department-FoE), Dr P A Patel ((Head, Mechanical Department-FoT), Dr R M Bhoraniya(Head, Mechanical Department-PG Studies), Mr Bhavesh Kanabar (Head, Agricultural Department), Mr Nikhil Chotai (Head, Automobile Department-FoE) and all the faculties of Mechanical as well as Automobile engineering department put great effort for making this event successful.